About existence, a conversation with Siri ( "Asisto,luego existo. Conversas,luego existes" ), 2019.
About existence, a conversation with Siri ( "En la nube nadie cuestiona tu existencia" ), 2019.
About existence, a conversation with Siri ( "Vivo en la nube que el viento no se lleva ni cuando hay huracanes" ), 2019.
About existence, a conversation with Siri, animated gif, 2019.
About existence, a conversation with Siri: develops from a series of playful conversations with Siri about "her" existence and mine. What does it means to exists and create relationships today, when interpersonal connections are stablished virtualy? What algorithms are used, when we interact and surrender ourself to technology, location tracking and sharing of the "self"? Do we expect to transcend and live forever, at least in "the cloud"?